About Us
Claire Salih
Where it began
The initiative and inspiration to deliver interactive and fun workshops to children evolved as a result of twenty years police detective experience working in the Criminal Investigation Departments in the North West. As a Police Officer, I regularly witnessed incidents of chaos and tragedy in peoples lives from all different social arenas. I was often saddened as to the end results due to the individual’s poor decision making, actions and inability to communicate effectively.
I have two children of secondary school age and have been a safeguarding governor in Chester Primary School for a number of years. I have a BA combined Hons degree and a wealth of life experience due to my diverse Police career.
I want to make a difference for future generations in respect of crime prevention. I firmly believe that furnishing today’s children with knowledge and the capability to take care of themselves will contribute to combatting future issues in an increasingly challenging world.
Our Aim
Clarity One UK offers an interactive, lively and educational input to individuals in respect of rape and sexual offences. Our aim is to focus on empowering students with life skills such as assertiveness, self - esteem and confidence along with an awareness of criminal law regarding the named criminal offences. We aim to guide schools and teachers on sensitive matters and work to ensure young people understand how the law applies to sexual relationships.
Why We Need Clarity
Rape offences are not socially classed and affect all domains of society. Predominantly, a high percentage of victims are female. Although males can also be victims of the offence, they are always the suspects. It is reported that police departments dealing with serious sexual offences are the busiest units within most major police forces impacting heavily on the lives of the victims, suspects and their families.
Feedback & Awards
We had great feedback from a headteacher: