Secondary Workshops
With ‘young adults’ and ‘vulnerable’ individuals being a main part of all rape and serious sexual offences, the impact within schools, universities and education establishments can be huge.
Our Aim
The purpose of the courses is to secure key building blocks for adult life skills in respect of healthy relationships and well being. We encourage children to make informed decisions based on equipping them with skills and knowledge such as assertiveness, self-confidence and acting with development when they feel something is wrong. Bystander Intervention training is also supported and is empowering students to tackle sexual misconduct and harassment of any form.
Clarity for Young Adults
We offer interactive input for all year groups, from year 7 onwards to young adults at colleges and universities. Courses cater equally for boys and young men as well as girls and young women. We will ensure young people understand how the LAW applies to sexual relationships. A one-day course can cater for a whole year group, an input for the whole school during assembly, training for teaching staff and an engagement session available to parents at the end of the day.
Staff Training
Courses are appropriate for age range and cultural backgrounds. We are sensitive to pupils in the likelihood that at least one of them will have been already or will be affected by this issue. We can offer specialised inputs for individuals with SEN. We can offer support for mainstream teachers and those who specifically teach PSHE. We understand the importance of working in partnership with parents and the wider community, i.e. governors. We realise the requirement of inspection of how well schools care for and provide effective support for young adults and how schools work in partnership with parents.
Clarity One UK is happy to review any current PHSE safeguarding policies. We can support you by being available to critique or advise for improvements on such documents. Any Ofsted Inspection will review these policies as a priority. Our expert team are happy to support you with this service in the interests of safety to all.